Walton County

Fire Rescue

Committed to providing exceptional fire and emergency services to our citizens and visitors with dedication, compassion, and respect while promoting a positive professional image and continually striving for improvement.

Red Flag Conditions

No Outdoor Burning

Refrain from outdoor burning!
Walton County has been included in the Red Flag warning issued for this area by the National Weather Service.
Red flag warnings are issued because of low humidities below 20%, high winds, and dry fuel conditions.
The fire pictured was caused by someone burning during a red flag warning. This fire burned 8 acres before it was brought under control.
We are asking for the public’s help in preventing brush fires. Please refrain from any outdoor fires from now through Friday, March 28th.
Learn more about the Red Flag warnings here https://wfca.com/wildfire-articles/red-flag-fire-weather-warnings/
"An abandoned campfire, a cigarette tossed from a car window, or sparks from machinery can ignite dry grass in seconds"


B/C Doug Brown

Retirement #2!

It is with great respect and admiration that we wish Battalion Chief Doug Brown a heartfelt bon voyage as he celebrates his retirement from the fire service once again! Chief Brown originally retired from Dekalb County Fire Rescue, as Battalion Chief, in 2018 after 23 years of dedicated service. Today, we celebrate another 23 years, this time with Walton County Fire Rescue.

Doug began his journey with WCFR as the Station 12 (Youth) Captain and went on to lead the Special Operations division. He has now completed his career as Battalion Chief of the Training Division, where he ensured that our members were properly trained, kept up-to-date with their certifications, and that the department as a whole remained aligned with state standards.

Doug will undoubtedly be missed, but we are excited for him as he moves into this next chapter of his life. We wish him all the best and express our deepest gratitude for his service to our community.

"You are a mentor and friend to many in this department. Your outstanding leadership and cool demeanor will be greatly missed"



Congrats Chief!

Walton County Fire Rescue is proud to announce that Captain Clay McCullough has been promoted to Battalion Chief of Training for the Department. Clay has been employed with Walton County Fire Rescue since 2016. He has served as a firefighter, Lieutenant, and Captain of Operations. Clay brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the Training Division. Clay is shown with his wife Haley, children Emmy and Crew.

Always working to shape our members and to promote from within!


Stop the Bleed

The American College of Surgeons STOP THE BLEED® program has prepared over 3 million people worldwide on how to stop bleeding in a severely injured person.

Sparky School House

NFPA develops easy-to-use educational programs, tools, and resources to meet the needs of all ages and audiences in a variety of languages

“Firemen never know what they will encounter on each call but proceed with the same level of commitment and service”

Who We Are

Walton County Fire Rescue is part of a family of First Responders dedicated to the citizens of Walton County Georgia.